The Spiritually Embodied Leader Podcast

The Spiritually Embodied Leader Podcast

Hosted by: Cynthia Gutierrez

The Spiritually Embodied Leader Podcast is intended to support conscious, heart-centered, spirit-led entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs who are ready to evolve in their business, life and purpose. Host, Cynthia...


12 | Think You Need More Confidence To Be An Entrepreneur? Think Again...

Season #2

Has a lack of confidence been getting in the way of you showing up for your business or doing something your heart has been calling you to do?? And are you pumping your brakes to hold yourself back until you build...
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11 | Welcome to SZN TWO of the Podcast!! đź’«

Season #2

Welcome to the second season of The Spiritually Embodied Leader Podcast! In this episode I reintroduce myself, my business and the podcast as I have gone through many life changing experiences since the last episode...
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10 | Client BREAKTHROUGH: From Homeless with a Family to Manifesting Money, College and a New Home with Cara G

Season #1 Episode #10

I can’t wait for you to hear this AMAZING client transformation!! My former client, Cara G, was in such a hard place in her life where she found herself evicted from her home, on a limited hotel voucher, left one job...
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09 | How to Be More Centered, Especially With Your Children: Embodied Check-In Part 2

Season #1 Episode #9

Now that you’ve got the foundation to be more present in the last episode, you’re in a way better place to begin to shift into a more centered and empowered way of being.In this Part-2 episode, you’ll learn a tangible...
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08 | How to Be More Present, Especially With Your Children: Embodied Check-In Part 1

Season #1 Episode #8

Have you been wanting to be more present with your kids, but not sure where to start or what exactly will help?? Maybe your busy schedule and stressful days are starting to take over your ability to be present and...
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07 | How Coaching Can Help Conscious Moms

Season #1 Episode #7

If you’re fed up with being reactive towards your family, exhausted with motherhood, and feeling super disconnected then LISTEN UP because I’ve got an amazing opportunity for you! If you’re ready to: Equip yourself...
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06 | Your Passions Are an Act of Resilience

Season #1 Episode #6

Are you feeling bogged down from the responsibilities of your life? Are you getting so deep into the rabbit hole of shadow work and healing your trauma that you’re losing sight of the JOY in life?! Well first of all,...
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05 | Out of Self-Sabotage and Into Harmonious Partnership

Season #1 Episode #5

Are you getting fed up with “sabotaging” yourself out of experiences you really want?!Ever since I began noticing how shitty it felt to roll my eyes and think, “oh there I go again, self-sabotaging my dreams” I...
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04 | Reignite Your New Year Intentions: How to Manifest and Sustain Your Goals

Season #1 Episode #4

Are your new year intentions already starting to slip through your fingers? Did you make a good start, get super motivated, but then fell back into your old habits again? If you’re finding yourself wishing for it to...
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03 | Storytelling of My Spiritual Awakening in Egypt 10 Years Ago

Season #1 Episode #3

10 years ago I had a life-changing adventure in Egypt when visiting the Great Pyramids of Giza! Launching this podcast is my way of celebrating the 10-year journey since then as I enter a new era of my life. The...
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02 | Attune to the Energetic Vortex of Winter Solstice

Season #1 Episode #2

Happy Winter Solstice!! This episode of The Spiritually Embodied Leader Podcast is dedicated to the Winter Solstice! Living cyclically is in your bones as ALL of our ancestors had lived in sync with the wheel of time,...
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01 | My Path of Activating the Spiritually Embodied Leader Within Me

Season #1 Episode #1

Ready to celebrate ALL THE THINGS with me?!? This episode is the first of many that are preceding the official launch of The Spiritually Embodied Leader Podcast. It’s dedicated to sharing my story of how I came to...
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